With daylight savings time now in effect, and the thermometer above zero these past few days, I'm itching for the snow to leave and the spring flowers to bloom!
I've already started some seeds for the vegetable garden, and I'm in need of more Jiffy peat pellets to start some flowers for the other gardens. We've got big battle plans this year, and we can't wait to put them in action! As you may remember, we started our
garden assault last fall with some hay and plastic tarps (we ended up putting down 10 of them). Once it's warm enough, all that hay will be moved to a compost pile, we'll even out the ground and lay down a carpet of weed block. Then it will be on to building our raised beds, and filling them with black earth and plants!
Last week we were looking around Canadian tire, and found raspberry bushes. We already have a wild raspberry bush behind our garage, and another one or two along the back edge of the property. They don't seem to produce very much, so we were more than happy to invest in another bush. It will join the one behind the garage. Only one for now, but I'm sure we won't be able to resist adding to the "berry garden" over the next couple of years!
As for those 4 other flower gardens that need a helping hand, I've picked up many packets of flower seeds (which hopefully will make it to full grown plants): foxglove, lupine, brown-eyed Susans, carnations, and asters among others.
And then I saw bulbs. What better way to give our property a boost than with perennial bulbs that will flower throughout the summer months? So, yet another 2 gardens now planned: gladiolas in front of out barn and dhalias with some morning glories by the side of the garage facing the road. We also picked up peonies to join a Japanese maple that we added in the fall, along with some hostas...
Can it be spring now???